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There's nothing inherently interesting, I'll admit, about a gable, "the triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a dual-pitched roof." Reading the dictionary entry has never pumped anybody up. In Almaty, however, gables have become a distinctive feature of local architecture because they're accompanied by all sorts of quaint little add-ons. There are the carved eaves, here called prichelina [причелина]; the cute, often functionally useless little balconies [балкончики; balkonchiki];  the recessed facades shaped like onion domes [люковичные фронтоны; lyukovichnye frontony]; the tiny attic windows [чердачные окна; cherdachnye okna] set in carved windowframes; the talismanic icons nailed to the peak of the gable, called a "towel" [полотенце; polotentse] in Russian because it was meant to resemble a lacy kitchen rag. All these features add up to make the gable the most ornamented face of a home, and the most full of meaning. 


Wanna get out of Almaty?

Head over to our sister company, Dostar Trips. Our friend Gaukhar (a legend!) will get you out on adventures to the natural wonders of Almaty Province: Sharyn Canyon, Kolsai Lakes, Altyn Emel and beyond. 


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